Saturday, January 30, 2021

Kevin Roche for Governor!

He puts in another round of slapping Governor Walz and the Department of "Health" around.   And they deserve it, saying things like this (via Power Line) about the youth sports mask requirement:

While some youth may experience shortness of breath, dizziness, or headaches until they acclimate to wearing a mask, these symptoms are not considered harmful. Masks can be safely worn, with the proper coaching and training, by young athletes.

Dizziness isn't harmful?  While they're playing sports??

Just as an experiment, I tried playing my flute while wearing a mask.  The air went everywhere except where I wanted it to go, and I couldn't get a sound out of it at all.  Wearing a mask while under physical exertion likely sends more air around the mask than through it, and at a considerable velocity...which makes this mask requirement a total charade.

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