Wednesday, December 23, 2020

All was not calm, but all was bright

We weren't able to see the "Christmas star" conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on Monday, because it was so hazy that we often couldn't even see the moon, but we were able to see them well yesterday.  My husband has a small telescope plus a wide assortment of odd lenses, and we were able to just see the rings of Saturn.

A bit after that, a tree blew down onto the power lines in front of a neighbor's house.  The power went off, and on, and then mostly off, with a series of power surges from arcing wires.

At least one of the wires broke and fell across the neighbors' driveway and into the yard next door, starting a smallish fire there.

It took some time for the electric company to get the electricity to the wire turned off, although the fire department arrived within a few minutes.

With the combination of for-real pyrotechnics and wind, it seemed to us prudent to load up the family and go run an errand.

After we got back, the power was out for only about two hours more before it was repaired.

Our electronics and appliances seem to all be working fine.

As a test of our emergency preparations, things mostly went well.  The deficiencies that we've identified will be addressed.

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