Saturday, August 10, 2024

Walz off

I am not a fan of Tim Walz.   I went back and read from this blog's archives of the end of May 2020 into the following June...

...when he let the Twin Cities rioting get so bad that multi-county curfews had to be imposed...

...on and past my baby's due date.

My baby was smart and waited until well into June to be born; thankfully with no need for emergency transportation.

Many places that we had been to as a family over the years were looted and burned.  Several of those places were totally destroyed.  $500 million dollars damage in the Twin Cities.

I've also seen the ways Walz has been devastating Minnesota since then, which accelerated once the Democrats took control of the Legislature for the "trifecta".  

And it's not just Minnesota; Minnesota is now a destination state for abortions and gender transitions. 

Walz and Harris are centering their campaign around "joy".  Walz has a very convincing jolly warrior act, partly because he's had a lot of training.  He is probably not an organically-grown candidate at all; I think he may have an interesting history with the teachers' union.  He certainly favors them now, despite increasingly dismal education outcomes, which are both bad and barely above the national average.

A few years ago, Walz said something about how if Minnesotans don't like living with immigrants, they should leave.  I have not yet unearthed the exact quote.

Anyway, when I see Harris-Walz, I don't see joy.  I see fire, destruction, and death. 

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