Friday, March 13, 2015

It only took two weeks... get the internet working consistently at the new place. That's one week less than it took for the last move, when they lost the first order entirely and had to start over from scratch. (This is one reason why I have resisted going paperless with finances; working online is very convenient, except when you cannot get online.)

We found this place in the last two weeks before moving, through a unique and Providential set of circumstances. We were looking for a house in an older urban neighborhood, close to where my husband works, but ended up in a suburb. In a house that is more than twice the square footage of our previous house, which is ironic considering the amount of voluntary and involuntary downsizing we have done in the last few years. Suddenly we have achieved a cleaner and much more minimalist aesthetic, solely through the generous addition of square footage and closets. We had help from about a dozen people for the actual move, which we badly needed because neither of us can do heavy lifting at the moment.

In the past, I never put aside any money for new decorating after a move. This time, I scrimped for weeks and weeks and saved about $70. Last weekend, I went to various stores, looking mostly for fabric for curtains. I'll save the precise breakdown for another post.

I'm now at the point in the unpacking where the books are all back on the bookshelves, but the TV is not yet set up.  It turned warm a few days ago, and the children have been spending many hours outdoors.  Finally.

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