Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 The lining of a sleeping bag was worn out, and I found two pieces of fabric in my stash that I could piece together for a new lining.

It would have been better to stitch it in by hand, as slippery layers of fabric around a bulky core are certain to slide around and bunch up while going through the sewing machine, but I elected not to, even though I know very well that doing things by hand is a viable option when working on a human scale.  

Also, it would have been better to trim only one edge of the fabric, sew it on, and then go on to the next edge, instead of trimming all four edges at once. The fabric mysteriously lost some width during the sewing, and one corner is a little short.


I also made a cushion cover. This one I did mostly hand sew, because of the curved shape of the cushion. I salvaged the zipper and its surrounding fabric from the old cover, sewed it between the new top and bottom pieces of fabric, and then whip stitched the rest of the way around. 

The fabric is too bright for the room, and I am thinking of dyeing it with coffee.


I've found two or three little ways to make my everyday activities more efficient. One is to use the curved corner of the sink as I'm draining uneaten ramen noodle soup out of bowl after bowl; if I hold the bowl right, I can pour the liquid down the corner without losing any noodles down the sink.

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