Saturday, August 26, 2023

Stocking up again

Some things my family has been acquiring lately:

more than a pound of beeswax

rawhide dog bones on clearance -- I'm experimenting with soaking, reshaping, and drying them

Finnish woodcarving knives, assorted chunks of wood, and several used clamps (my husband)

regular and flannel all-cotton sheets and someone's leftover quilting fabric -- for clothing, diaper, and quilt projects

used work boots that turned out to have been oiled far beyond their oil-resistance -- a resoling project for me to try out attaching a sole using maple pegs instead of glue

used bicycle wheel -- child wants to build a spinning wheel

glass prism to hang in a window

musical instruments -- an old trumpet, a quite nice thrift store open-hole flute that I can "grow into", a homemade oboe-like instrument, and a small pennywhistle

books -- homeschooling, practical skills, literature

cast iron cornbread pan

crochet cotton

1 comment:

  1. The Beeswax is a great score!
