Tuesday, September 5, 2023

What we stock up for...

...is the next round of unpleasant unplanned major expenses and impediments.  Which has now begun.

The child in the hospital is doing much better, although still not out of the woods.  I don't know when he will be able to come home.  People from church brought us a lot of food, and are willing to bring more as soon as we need it, and on top of that some of them are real prayer warriors.

It has been also been good to have the new musical instruments around the house, to pick up and blow some air through now and then.  My littlest children very quickly learned how to get the trumpet to toot.  I looked up the manufacturer online, and the trumpet could be a century old.  Transitioning to an open-hole flute has been much easier than I thought it would be.

I had decided a while back to get going with the hand weights and some simple exercises again, despite being somewhat wiped out from anemia.  That has been helpful with the added workload of a sick child.


  1. Oh my! I didn't realize you had a sick child in the hospital. If you mentioned it somewhere, I completely missed it. I will pray.
