Saturday, November 23, 2019

When the toddler wants to paint

My husband bought a "Buddha board" recently. It is a flat, square surface on a stand; the stand also has a reservoir for water and a place to rest a paintbrush. The idea is to paint on the surface with plain water, which will dry within a few minutes, leaving it ready to "paint" again.

This gave me the idea of letting the toddler paint with water on construction paper on a tray. The paper can be dried and reused a time or two, if it doesn't get too crumpled.

This is an idea I should have had a few years ago, though, when the arboretum put in a new nature play area, including a bare-wood playhouse, a water source, and lots of paintbrushes. Every time we were there, there were a half-dozen or more little children industriously painting the playhouse with water, over and over, as the water dried quite quickly.

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