Monday, April 6, 2020

I made a mask, and some children made pinatas

I used the instructions from the link that I gave a few posts back for the mask.

More ideas for elastic substitutes:  T-shirt yarn—cut a strip about three-quarters of an inch wide, and pull it to make the edges curl in.  These have a nice amount of stretchiness for ties. Another idea I saw is to use elastic hair ties for ear loops. Those might require making the mask wider, since they are shorter than the listed elastic length. I used the T-shirt yarn this time.

Based on other designs I saw online, I decided to add a little channel at the top edge for wire from a small paper clip, to allow for a better fit around the nose. I used needlenose pliers to bend over the ends of the wire, to help keep them from poking through the fabric.

The mask turned out all right, but I find it a bit short, and will add half an inch or so if I make any more of them. It also makes my glasses fog up a bit, so I don’t see myself wearing it while driving.

I foresee a trend in a few years, of making quilts out of all these masks that are being sewn. The question is, how much wear the masks will have gotten before being recycled.

The children with birthdays coming up have planned ahead and made themselves papier-mâché  piñatas. The paste used is just water with some flour whisked in, so they were able to carry the whole thing out very nearly independently.

It was neat to see how the older ones have learned from watching me in the past, and how now the younger ones are learning from watching the older ones.

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