Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Waiting until the stars align themselves better

The armchair project is stalled, because I very carefully picked out the type and size of screws I wanted but didn't check the actual box, which had been very carelessly mis-shelved. So I have been working on a multitude of unglamorous little mending, repair, cleaning, organizing, and decluttering projects instead:  washing the glass dishes from the light fixtures, sewing up a rip in a pillow and sewing the arm back on a stuffed animal, touching up little scuff marks, sorting papers and pulling out numbers in preparation for doing the taxes, putting away the last few Christmas decorations, condensing our pantry supplies into fewer containers.

After a couple days of hard and varied work, I had to downshift and spend some time just sitting and daydreaming. That is important too. Much of the above activity was really an expression of anxiety about the upcoming move. Home should be a place of comfort and rest.

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